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Type of Foreign Students to Be Accepted by Universities in China,
Conditions Regarding Their Application and Enrolment

Type of Students
Conditons Regard Application and Enrolment
Study Period
Students for BA study Holding a degree equivalent to diploma issued to high school or college graduates; take part in and pass Chinese school entrance examinations 4-5 years
Students for MA study Holding BA degree; letters of recommendation from over two associate professors; pass Chinese school entrance examinations. Those distinguished in study in Chinese universities shall be exempt from entrance examinations for MA study. 2-3 years
Students for Ph.D study Holding MA degree; letters of recommendation from over two associate professors; take part in and pass Chinese school entrance examinations. 3 years
Language students Holding a diploma equivalent to or higher than Chinese high school diplomas 1-2 years
Ordinary students Holding certificate showing the experience of over two years of study in a university 1-2 years
Students taking advanced courses
Holding MA diploma or a diploma showing the experience of studyingfor Ph.D degree
Within one year
Researchers and scholars Holding the academic title of higher than associsate professor Within one year
Students for short-term study
Holding diploma at or higher than the level of Chinese high school diplomas
4-20 weeks
Note: All the foreign applicants should be over 18 eyars old and in good health.